Heather Redman

Managing Partner

Managing Partner

Heather Redman has had a multi-faceted career in early stage and high growth companies, including as Senior Vice President at each of AtomShockwave, Inc., Getty Images, Inc., and PhotoDisc, Inc., VP Business Operations at Indix Corporation and Senior Vice President at Summit Power Group. She is experienced in corporate development and finance, M&A, business development, and intellectual property strategy. Heather is a consummate networker and believes in service to the community. Heather serves on the boards of the the Greater Seattle Chamber (Past Chair), Washington Technology Industry Association (Chair), the Technology Alliance, the Hawthorn Club, Global EIR Coalition, Beneficial State Bank (Audit and Technology Committees), and Coldstream Holdings. She is a Regent of WSU. She speaks and writes frequently on a variety of topics, and is regularly interviewed nationally on a variety of issues.. Heather holds a JD (with distinction) from Stanford and her BA from Reed.

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Received the Tech Innovator of the Year Award in 2020


Proficient in Python, Java, and Machine Learning algorithms